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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\li720\lang1033\f0\fs22 A cold backup is a physical backup. During a cold backup the database is closed and not available to users.\~ All files of the database are copied (image copy).\~ The datafiles do not change during the copy so the database is in sync upon restore. \line\~ \par
Used when:\par
Service level allows for some down time for backup\par
A hot backup is a physical backup.\~ In a hot backup the database remains open and available to users. All files of the database are copied (image copy).\~ There may be changes to the database as the copy is made and so all log files of changes being made during the backup must be saved too.\~ Upon a restore, the changes in the log files are reapplied to bring the database in sync. \par
Used when:\par
A full backup of a database is needed \line Service level allows no down time for the backup\par
\pard\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100 A logical backup is an extract of the database.\~ All SQL statements to create the objects and all SQL statements to populate the objects are included in the extract.\~ Oracle provides a utility export, to create the extract.\~\~ A partner utility, import, is used to bring the data back into the database. \par
A logical backup can be done at the table, schema (or proxy owner), or database level.\~ That is, we can extract only a list of specified tables, a list of specified schemas or the full database. \par
\pard\fi720 Used to:\par
\pard\li1440 Move or archive a database \line Move or archive a table(s) \line Move or archive a schema(s) \line Verify the structures in the database\par
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