Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Key-Mode & Locking Mode Properties

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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\li720\ri-720\lang1033\b\f0\fs22 Key Mode\b0 : Specifies how oracle forms uniquely identifies rows in the database. This is property includes for application that will run against NON-ORACLE data sources. By default, the ORACLE database uses unique ROWID values to identify each row. Non-ORACLE databases do not include the ROWID construct, but instead rely solely on unique primary key values to identify unique rows. If you are creating a form to run against a non-ORACLE data source, you must use primary keys, and set the Key Mode block property accordingly.\par
\b Automatic\b0 (default) Specifies that Form Builder should use ROWID constructs to identify unique rows in the data source but only if the data source supports ROWID.\par
\b Non-Updateable \b0 Specifies that Form Builder should not include primary key columns in any UPDATE statements. Use this setting if your database does not allow primary key values to be updated.\par
\b Unique\b0 Instructs Form Builder to use ROWID constructs to identify unique rows in an ORACLE database.\par
\b Updateable: \b0 Specifies that Form Builder should issue UPDATE statements that include primary key values. Use this setting if your database allows primary key columns to be updated and you intend for the application to update primary key values.\par
\b Locking mode\b0 : Specifies when Oracle Forms should attempt to obtain database locks on rows that correspond to queried records in the form. \par
\b Automatic\b0 (default)\tab Identical to Immediate if the data source is an Oracle database. For other data sources, Form Builder determines the available locking facilities and behaves as much like Immediate as possible.\par
\b Immediate\b0\tab Form Builder locks the corresponding row as soon as the end user presses a key to enter or edit the value in a text item. \par
\b Delayed\b0\tab Form Builder locks the row only while it posts the transaction to the database, not while the end user is editing the record. Form Builder prevents the commit action from processing if values of the fields in the block have changed when the user causes a commit action.\par

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