Friday, 5 August 2011

String Functions

MySQL's string functions fall into two categories: the string processing functions and the string comparison functions. You will find the latter more useful than the former.

String Processing Functions
A list of the more useful string functions is shown in Table 8.3. There are many more in the manual.

Table 8.3. String Processing Functions Function

concat(s1, s2, ...)
Concatenate the strings in s1, s2, ....

conv (n, original_base, new_base)
Convert the number n from original_base to new_base. (It may surprise you to see this as a string function, but some bases use letters in their notations, such as hexadecimal.)

Returns the length in characters of the string s.

Returns the contents of the file stored at filename as a string.

locate(needle, haystack, position)
Returns the starting position of the needle string in the haystack string. The search will start from position.

lower(s) and upper(s)
Convert the string s to lowercase or uppercase.

Escapes a string s so that it is suitable for insertion into the database. This involves putting the string between single quotes and inserting a backslash.

replace(target, find, replace)
Returns a string based on target with all incidences of find replaced with replace.

Returns a soundex string corresponding to s. A soundex string represents how the string sounds when pronounced. It can be easier to match soundex strings of names than names themselves, for example.

substring (s, position, length)
Returns length characters from s starting at position.

Removes leading and trailing whitespace from s. (You can also use ltrim() to just remove whitespace from the left or rtrim() for the right.)

String Comparison Functions
In addition to offering the equality operator for comparing two strings, MySQL provides various comparison functions we can also use:

LIKE: Performs string wildcard matching.

RLIKE: Performs regular expression matching.

STRCMP: String comparison, just like the strcmp() function in C.

MATCH: Performs full-text searching.

We will discuss LIKE, RLIKE, and STRCMP in this section. Full-text searching is a feature specific to MyISAM tables. It is discussed in Chapter 9, "Understanding MySQL's Table Types."

Using LIKE for Wildcard Matching
Let's consider an example using LIKE:

select *
from department
where name like '%research%';

Rather than looking for names that are equal to 'research', we are looking for names containing 'research'. This produces the following results:

| departmentID | name |
| 128 | Research and Development |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

The LIKE function supports two kinds of wildcard matching. The percentage sign (%), as used in the preceding example, matches any number of characters (including zero). Hence, the expression '%research%' matches all strings that have the word research in them somewhere. Note that string matching is generally case insensitive, as discussed earlier in this chapter.

The other wildcard character is the underscore (_). This matches any single character. For example '_at' matches the strings 'cat', 'mat', 'bat', and so on.

Using RLIKE for Regular Expression Matching
The RLIKE function can be used to match on the basis of regular expressions.

A regular expression is a pattern that describes the general shape of a string. There is a special notation for describing the features we would like to see in matching strings. We will take a brief look at this notation.

First, a literal string matches that string. So, the pattern 'cat' matches 'cat'. However, it also matches 'catacomb' and 'the cat sat on the mat'. The pattern 'cat' matches 'cat' anywhere inside the target string.

If we want to match only the word 'cat', then the pattern would need to be '^cat$'. The caret (^) means "anchor to the start of the string;" in other words, the first thing at the start of a matching string is the word 'cat'. The dollar sign ($) means "anchor to the end of the string;" in other words, the last thing in the string must be the word 'cat'. So, the pattern '^cat$' can match only the string 'cat' and nothing else.

Regular expressions also support wildcards, just as LIKE does. However, the wildcard is different. We have only one, the dot (.), that will match any single character. So, '.at' matches 'cat', 'bat', 'mat' and so on.

We only need a single wildcard character because we can also specify how often characters (including wildcards) can appear in a string.

For example, the special * character after a character means that character may appear zero or more times. So, the pattern 'n*' matches '', 'n', 'nn', 'nnn', and so on. We can group characters with parentheses, so '(cat)*' matches '', 'cat', 'catcat', 'catcatcat', and so on. We can also use a wildcard, so '.*' matches any number of any characters—basically anything.

Similarly, the plus sign (+) means that the character or string before it should be repeated one or more times, and the question mark (?) means to match zero times or one time. You can also list a specific range, so, for example, '(cat)(2,4)' matches 'catcat', 'catcatcat', and 'catcatcatcat'.

As well as listing specific characters and strings, we can list sets of characters. These appear in square brackets. For example, the pattern '[a-z]' matches any single letter, and '[a-z]*' matches any number of letters.

Finally, there are a number of character classes, which are predefined sets. For example, [[:alnum:]] matches any alphanumeric character.

If you are a Perl programmer, it is worth noting that MySQL uses POSIX-style regular expressions, which have a different syntax from Perl regular expressions.

Now, let's look at an example of how to use these patterns with RLIKE. Consider the following query:

select * from department where name rlike 'an';

This will find all the department names that contain the string 'an' somewhere inside them:

| departmentID | name |
| 42 | Finance |
| 128 | Research and Development |
| 129 | Human Resources |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Regular expressions can be very powerful and can get quite complex. If you would like more examples and syntax detail, there are many good tutorials on the Web.

Using STRCMP() for String Comparison
The STRCMP() function in MySQL uses the same conventions as it does in other programming languages, such as C or PHP. It has the prototype

STRCMP(s1, s2)

and returns the following values:

0 if the strings are equal

-1 if s1 is less than s2— that is, if it comes before s2 in the sort order

1 if s1 is greater than s2— that is, if it comes after s2 in the sort order

For example, the following queries return the following results:

mysql> select strcmp('cat', 'cat');
| strcmp('cat', 'cat') |
| 0 |
1 row in set (0.42 sec)

mysql> select strcmp('cat', 'dog');
| strcmp('cat', 'dog') |
| -1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select strcmp('cat', 'ant');
| strcmp('cat', 'ant') |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Note that sort order changes with the character set. If you are using a non-English language such as German, strings will still sort in the order you expect them to, as long as you have set the character encoding when creating the table.

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