Friday, 26 August 2011

Wy no continue statement in Plsql

Why no CONTINUE command in PL/SQL?
Is there any CONTINUE command in PL/SQL (the counterpart of break, which exits from a loop if a condition is met) like the one in the C programming language?
I've often wondered the same thing myself. So I asked Bryn Llewellyn, Oracle's PL/SQL Product Manager, the same question. Here's what he said:
"I can't defend PL/SQL's lack of a continue statement. There's no question that some algorithms are considerably easier to express when a CONTINUE statement is used. If you need convincing, consider this:
<<outer>>for ... loop
<<inner>>for ... loop
-- exit both loops
exit outer when ...;
end loop inner;
end loop outer;
It would take a fair effort to achieve this effect without using an EXIT statement. (You could try it, for sport.) The CONTINUE statement would look rather similar:
<<outer>>for ... loop
<<inner>>for ... loop
-- immediately start the next iteration of the outer loop
continue outer when ...;
end loop inner;
end loop outer;
Now write some PL/SQL that achieves this. You'll soon see that a continue statement in PL/SQL would be quite useful."
Of course, I asked Bryn when we might see this enhancement made. "Don't hold your breath," he said. "I'm afraid that there are too many other potential enhancements that would deliver bigger benefits competing for priority."

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