Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Installation and Setup

It continues to amaze me how many great, free, open source Java™ tools are out there. When I needed a lightweight object/relational mapping service for a JSP e-commerce project several years ago, I had to build my own. It evolved over the years, developed some cool and unique features, and we've used it in a wide variety of different contexts. But now that I've discovered Hibernate, I expect that I'll be using it on my next project instead of my own familiar system (toward which I'll cheerfully admit bias). That should tell you how compelling it is!

Since you're looking at this book, you're interested in a powerful and convenient way to bridge between the worlds of Java objects and relational databases. Hibernate fills that role very nicely, without being so big and complicated that learning it becomes a daunting challenge in itself. To demonstrate that, this chapter guides you to the point where you can play with Hibernate and see for yourself why it's so exciting.

1.1 Getting an Ant Distribution
If you're not already using Ant to manage the building, testing, running, and packaging of your Java projects, now is the time to start. The examples in this book are Ant driven, so you'll need a working Ant installation to follow along and experiment with variations on your own system, which is the best way to learn.

First of all, get an Ant binary and install it.

1.1.1 Why do I care?
We chose to structure our examples around Ant for several reasons. It's convenient and powerful, it's increasingly (almost universally) the standard build tool for Java-based development, it's free and it's crossplatform. Many of the example and helper scripts in the current Hibernate distribution are Windows batch files, which don't do any good for people like me who live in a Unix world. Using Ant means our examples can work equally well anywhere there's a Java environment, which means we don't have to frustrate or annoy any readers of this book. Happily, it also means we can do many more cool things with less effort—especially since several Hibernate tools have explicit Ant support, which we'll show how to leverage.

To take advantage of all this, you need to have Ant installed and working on your system.


I used to wonder why people bothered with Ant when they could use Make. Now that I've seen how well it manages Java builds, I feel lost without it.

1.1.2 How do I do that?
Download a binary release of Ant from . Scroll down to find the current release of Ant, and download the archive in a format that's convenient for you to work with. Pick an appropriate place for it to live, and expand the archive there. The directory into which you've expanded the archive is referred to as ANT_HOME. Let's say you've expanded the archive into the directory /usr/ local/apache-ant-1.5.1; you may want to create a symbolic link to make it easier to work with, and to avoid the need to change any environment configuration when you upgrade to a newer version:

/usr/local $ ln -s apache-ant-1.5.1 ant

Once Ant is situated, you need to do a couple of things to make it work right. You need to add its bin directory in the distribution (in our example, /usr/local/ant/bin) to your command path. You also need to set the environment variable ANT_HOME to the top-level directory you installed (in this example, /usr/local/ant). Details about how to perform these steps under different operating systems can be found in the Ant manual, , if you need them.

Of course, we're also assuming you've got a Java SDK. Because some of Hibernate's features are available only in Java 1.4, you'd be best off upgrading to the latest 1.4 SDK. It's also possible to use most of Hibernate with Java 1.3, but you may have to rebuild the Hibernate JAR file using your 1.3 compiler. Our examples are written assuming you've got Java 1.4, and they will need tweaking if you don't.

Once you've got this set up, you should be able to fire up Ant for a test run and verify that everything's right:

~ $ ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.5.1 compiled on February 7 2003

1.1.3 What just happened?
Well, not much just yet, but you're now in a position where you'll be able to try out the examples we provide later on, and use them as a starting point for your actual Hibernate projects.

If you're new to Ant, it wouldn't be a bad idea to read the manual a little bit to get a sense of how it works and what it can do for you; this will help make sense of the build.xml files we start working with in our examples. If you decide (or already know) you like Ant, and want to dig deeper, you can pick up O'Reilly's Ant: The Definitive Guide (after you finish this book, of course)!

1.1.4 What about...
...Eclipse, JBuilder, Sun ONE Studio (Forte for Java), or some other Java IDE? Well, you can certainly use these, but you're on your own as far as what you need to do to get Ant integrated into the build process. (Several already use Ant, so you might be starting out ahead; for the others you might have to jump through some hoops.) If all else fails, you can use the IDE to develop your own code, but invoke Ant from the command line when you need to use one of our build scripts.

1.2 Getting the HSQLDB Database Engine

Hibernate works with a great many relational databases; chances are, it will work with the one you are planning to use for your next project. We need to pick one to focus on in our examples, and luckily there's an obvious choice. The free, open source, 100% Java HSQLDB project is powerful enough that it forms the backing storage for several of our commercial software projects. Surprisingly, it's also incredibly self-contained and simple to install, so it's perfect to discuss here. (If you've heard of HypersonicSQL, this is its current incarnation. Much of the Hibernate documentation uses the older name.)

Don't panic if you end up at and it seems like the project has been shut down. That's the wrong address—it's talking about the predecessor to the current HSQLDB project. Use the address below to find the current version of the database engine.

1.2.1 Why do I care?
Examples based on a database that everyone can download and easily experiment with mean you won't have to translate any of the SQL dialects or operating system commands to work with your available databases (and may even mean you can save a day or two learning how to download, install, and configure one of the more typical database environments). Finally, if hsqldb is new to you, chances are good you'll be impressed and intrigued, and may well end up using it in your own projects. As it says on the project home page (at ):

hsqldb is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC driver, supporting a rich subset of ANSI-92 SQL (BNF tree format). It offers a small (less than 160k), fast database engine which offers both in memory and disk based tables. Embedded and server modes are available. Additionally, it includes tools such as a minimal web server, in-memory query and management tools (can be run as applets), and a number of demonstration examples.


Go on, download HSQLDB. Heck, take two, they're small!

1.2.2 How do I do that?
Getting the database is simply a matter of visiting the project page at and clicking the link to download the current stable version. This will take you to a typical SourceForge downloads page with the current release highlighted. Pick your mirror and download the zip archive. There's nothing to install or configure; we'll show you how to use it shortly.

1.2.3 What about...
...MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Informix, or some other common database? Don't worry, Hibernate can work with all these and others. We'll talk about how you specify 'dialects' for different databases later on. And if you really want, you can try to figure out how to work with your favorite from the start, but it will mean extra work for you in following along with the examples, and you'll miss out on a great opportunity to discover HSQLDB.

1.3 Getting Hibernate
This doesn't need much motivation! You picked up this book because you wanted to learn how to use Hibernate.

1.3.1 How do I do that?
Go to the Hibernate home page, , and click on the 'Download' link. The Binary Releases section will tell you which version is recommended for downloading; follow that advice. Make a note of the version you want and proceed to the 'Download: SourceForge' link. It takes you to a SourceForge downloads page. Scroll down until you find the recommended release version of Hibernate itself (which will look something like or hibernate-2.x.y.tar.gz). Choose the archive format that is most convenient for you and download it.

Pick a place that is suitable for keeping such items around, and expand the archive. We will use part of it in the next step, and investigate more of it later on. You may also want to poke around in there some yourself.

While you're on the Hibernate downloads page, also pick up the Hibernate Extensions. They contain several useful tools which aren't necessary for an application running Hibernate, but are very helpful for developers creating such applications. We'll be using one to generate Java code for our first Hibernate experiment in the next chapter. This filename will look like (it won't necessarily have the same version as Hibernate itself). Once again, pick your favorite archive format, download this file, and expand it next to where you put Hibernate.

1.4 Setting Up a Project Hierarchy
Although we're going to start small, once we start designing data structures and building Java classes and database tables that represent them, along with all the configuration and control files to glue them together and make useful things happen, we're going to end up with a lot of files. So let's start out with a good organization from the beginning. As you'll see in this process, between the tools you've downloaded and their supporting libraries, there are already a significant number of files to organize.

1.4.1 Why do I care?
If you end up building something cool by following the examples in this book, and want to turn it into a real application, you'll be in good shape from the beginning. More to the point, if you set things up the way we describe here, the commands and instructions we give you throughout the examples will make sense and actually work. Many examples also build on one another throughout the book, so it's important to get on the right track from the beginning.

If you want to skip ahead to a later example, or just avoid typing some of the longer sample code and configuration files, you can download 'finished' versions of the chapter examples from the book's web site. These downloads will all be organized as described here.

1.4.2 How do I do that?
Here's how:

Pick a location on your hard drive where you want to play with Hibernate, and create a new folder, which we'll refer to from now on as your project directory.

Move into that directory, and create subdirectories called src, lib, and data. The hierarchy of Java source and related resources will be in the src directory. Our build process will compile it into a classes directory it creates, as well as copy any runtime resources there. The data directory is where we'll put the HSQLDB database, and any Data Definition Language (DDL) files we generate in order to populate it.

The lib directory is where we'll place third-party libraries we use in the project. For now, copy the HSQLDB and Hibernate JAR files into the lib directory.

If you haven't already done so, expand the HSQLDB distribution file you downloaded earlier in this chapter. You'll find hsqldb.jar in its lib directory; copy this to your own project lib directory (the lib directory you just created in step 2).

Similarly, locate the lib directory in the Hibernate directory you expanded in the previous section, and copy all of its contents into your own project lib directory (you'll notice that Hibernate relies on a lot of other libraries; conveniently, they're included in its binary distribution so you don't have to hunt them all down yourself).

Then copy Hibernate itself, in the form of the hibernate2.jar file found at the top level of the distribution, into your project lib directory.

Installing the Hibernate Extensions is very similar. Locate the tools/lib directory inside the Hibernate Extensions directory you expanded, and copy its contents into your own lib directory, so the extensions will be able to access the libraries they rely on.

Finally, copy the extensions themselves, which are in the file hibernate-tools.jar (found in the tools directory), into your lib directory.

The example classes we're going to create are all going to live in the com.oreilly.hh (harnessing Hibernate) package, so create these directories under the src directory. On Linux and Mac OS X, you can use:

mkdir -p src/com/oreilly/hh

from within your project directory to accomplish this in one step.


There are lots of pieces to copy into place here; attention to detail will be rewarded. Luckily, you can reuse your lib directory in other Hibernate projects.

At this point your project directory should be structured as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Initial project directory contents

The lib directory is collapsed because it contains so much that the screen shot wouldn't fit otherwise. After following the above steps, using the release of Hibernate available at the time of this writing, it contains the following files:

README.txt, ant-1.5.3.jar, ant-optional-1.5.3.jar, apache.license.txt, c3p0-

0.8.3.jar, c3p0.license.txt, cglib-2.0-rc2.jar, commons-collections-2.1.jar,

commons-dbcp-1.1.jar, commons-lang-1.0.1.jar, commons-logging-1.0.3.jar,

commons-pool-1.1.jar, concurrent-1.3.2.jar, connector.jar, connector.

licence.txt, dom4j-1.4.jar, ehcache-0.6.jar, hibernate-tools.jar,

hibernate2.jar, hsqldb.jar, jaas.jar, jaas.licence.txt, jboss-cache.jar,

jboss-common.jar, jboss-jmx.jar, jboss-system.jar, jcs-1.0-dev.jar, jdbc2_0-

stdext.jar, jdbc2_0-stdext.licence.txt, jdom.jar, jdom.license.txt, jgroups-

2.2.jar, jta.jar, jta.licence.txt, junit-3.8.1.jar, log4j-1.2.8.jar, odmg-3.

0.jar, oscache-2.0.jar, proxool-0.8.3.jar, swarmcache-1.0rc2.jar, xalan-2.4.

0.jar, xerces-2.4.0.jar, xml-apis.jar.

1.4.3 A quick test
Before we get into actually rousing Hibernate to do some useful work, it's worth checking that the other supporting pieces are in place and ready to use. Let's start out with the Ant configuration file we'll be using throughout this project, tell Ant where we've put the files we're using, and have it fire up the HSQLDB graphical database interface. This will be useful later when we want to look at the actual data that Hibernate has been creating for us, and it's reassuring right now as a sanity check that nothing is amiss and we're ready to move forward.

Fire up your favorite text editor and create a file named build.xml at the top level inside your project directory (the folder ch01 in Figure 1-1). Type the content shown in Example 1-1 into the file.

Example 1-1. Ant build file

1 <?xml version="1.0"?>

2 <project name="Harnessing Hibernate: The Developer's Notebook"

3 default="db" basedir=".">

4 <!-- Set up properties containing important project directories -->

5 <property name="source.root" value="src"/>

6 <property name="class.root" value="classes"/>

7 <property name="lib.dir" value="lib"/>

8 <property name="data.dir" value="data"/>


10 <!-- Set up the class path for compilation and execution -->

11 <path id="project.class.path">

12 <!-- Include our own classes, of course -->

13 <pathelement location="${class.root}"/>

14 <!-- Include jars in the project library directory -->

15 <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">

16 <include name="**/*.jar"/>

17 </fileset>

18 </path>


20 <target name="db" description="Runs HSQLDB database management UI

21 against the database file--use when application is not running">

22 <java classname="org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager"

23 fork="yes">

24 <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>

25 <arg value="-driver"/>

26 <arg value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>

27 <arg value="-url"/>

28 <arg value="jdbc:hsqldb:${data.dir}/music"/>

29 <arg value="-user"/>

30 <arg value="sa"/>

31 </java>

32 </target>

33 </project>

Take care with punctuation in typing this, and pay special attention to self-closing XML tags (those which end in '/>' rather than just '>'). If you get it wrong, you'll be rewarded with parse errors when you run Ant. Again, you can download these files from the book's web site if you don't need the typing practice.

If you haven't seen an Ant build file before, here's a whirlwind introduction to help orient you. The documentation at is quite good if you want a bit more detail. The first line is simply a declaration that the type of the file is XML. If you've worked with XML in other contexts, you're used to seeing this. If not, you'll see it again. (Ant doesn't currently require this, but most XML parsers do, so it's a good habit to develop.)

Ant's build files always contain a single project definition, which begins in this file on line 2. The default attribute tells Ant which target (defined below) to build if you don't specify any on the command line. And the basedir attribute determines the 'directory relative to which all path calculations are done. We could have left this out since the default is to treat paths as being relative to the directory in which the build.xml is located, but it's a good habit to be explicit about fundamental settings.

The next bit, starting at line 4, defines four properties that we can use by name throughout the rest of the build file. Essentially, we're defining symbolic names for the important directories used for different aspects of the project. This isn't necessary (especially when the directories are named so simply), but it's another good practice. For one thing, it means that if you need to change where one of these directories is located, you only need to fix one place in the build file, rather than conducting an error-prone search-and-replace.

The class path section starting at line 10 serves a more obviously useful purpose. This feature alone is why I almost never start Java projects without setting up at least a simple Ant build for them. When you're using a lot of third-party libraries, which you're going to be doing for any serious project, there's a whole lot that needs to go into your class path, and you have to be sure to set it equivalently at compile time and runtime. Ant makes this very easy. We define a path, which is kind of like a property, but it knows how to parse and collect files and directories. Our path contains the classes directory, in which we're going to be compiling our Java source (this directory doesn't exist yet; we'll add a step to the build process that creates it in the next chapter), and it also contains all JAR files that can be found in our library directory. This is exactly what we need for compiling and running.


Ant's understanding and manipulation of Java paths and class hierarchies is a big plus. It's worth learning in some depth.

The syntax on line 13 looks like punctuation soup, but it can be broken down into pieces that make sense. Ant lets you use substitution to insert variable values into your rules. Where you see something like '${class.root}' this means 'look up the value of the variable named class.root and stick it here.' So, given the definition of class.root on line 6, it's as if line 12 contained '<pathelement location="classes"/>'. So why do this? It lets you share a value throughout the file, so if you ever need to change it there's only one place to worry about. In large, complex projects this kind of organization and management is crucial.

Finally, with all this preamble out of the way we can define our first target at line 20. A target is just a series of tasks that need to be executed in order to accomplish a project goal. Typical targets do things like compile code, run tests, package things up for distribution, and the like. Tasks are chosen from a rich set of capabilities built-in to Ant, and third-party tools like Hibernate can extend Ant to provide their own useful tasks, as we'll see in the next chapter. Our first target, db, is going to run HSQLDB's graphical interface so we can look at our example database. We can accomplish that using Ant's built-in java task, which runs a Java virtual machine for us, with whatever starting class, arguments, and properties we'd like.


If your database GUI pops up and vanishes, doublecheck the 'fork' attribute of your 'java' task.

In this case, the class we want to invoke is org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager, found in hsqldb.jar in our project library directory. Setting the fork attribute to 'yes' tells Ant to use a separate virtual machine, which isn't the default since it takes a little longer and isn't usually necessary. In this case it's important since we want the database manager GUI to stay around until we dismiss it, and this doesn't happen when it runs in Ant's own VM.

You can see how we're telling the java task about the class path we've set up above; this will be a common feature of our targets. Then we supply a bunch of arguments to the database manager, telling it to use the normal HSQLDB JDBC driver, where to find the database, and what username to use. We've specified a database called 'music' in the data directory. That directory is currently empty, so HSQLDB will create the database the first time we use it. The user sa is the default 'system administrator' user for new databases, and it's configured not to need a password initially. Obviously, if you plan to make this database available over the network (which HSQLDB is capable of doing) you'll want to set a password. We aren't doing any such fancy things, so we can leave it out for now.

Let's try it! Save the file and from a shell (command) prompt running in your top-level project directory (where you put build.xml) type the command:

ant db

(or, since we've made db the default target, you can just type ant ). Once Ant starts running, if all goes well, you'll see output like this:

Buildfile: build.xml


A moment later you should see the HSQLDB graphic interface, which will look something like Figure 1-2. There's nothing in our database yet, so there's not much to see beyond whether the command worked at all. The tree view at the top left of the window is where the various tables and columns in our database can be explored. For now, just verify that the top reads 'jdbc:hsqldb:data/music.' You can explore the menus a bit if you like, but don't make any changes to the database. Once you're done, choose File Exit. The window will close, and Ant will report:

Total time: 18 minutes 3 seconds

Figure 1-2. The HSQLDB database manager interface

The 'Total time' reflects how long you were running the database manager, so it will vary. At this point, if you look in the data directory, you'll find that HSQLDB has created some files to hold the database: music.script

You can even look at the contents of these files. Unlike most database systems, HSQLDB stores its data in a human-readable format. The properties file contains some basic settings, and the data itself goes in the script file in the form of SQL statements. Right now all you'll find is the basic definitions that get entered by default, but as later examples start populating the database, you'll be able to see DDL and SQL statements that create the tables and data. This can be a useful debugging feature for basic sanity checks, even faster than firing up the graphical interface and running queries.


The fact that you can read HSQLDB's database files is weird but fun.

1.4.4 What just happened?
Well, to be honest, you jumped through a lot of hoops to find, download, expand, and organize a bunch of software. It was probably pretty tedious and exacting. But you're now in a great position to start working with Hibernate and, as you'll see in the next chapter, that means progress will start happening very quickly. You'll be able to see Java code written for you! Database schemas created out of thin air (or, at least, out of the same XML mapping table that produced the Java)! Real tables and data appearing in the HSQLDB manager interface! (Or, at least, genuine faux sample data....)

Sound exciting? Well, compared to what you've done so far anyway? Then let's dig in to awakening the power of Hibernate.

1.4.5 Why didn't it work?
If, on the other hand, you saw no database manager window appear, and instead were greeted by error messages, try to figure out if they're due to problems in the build file, problems in the way you've set up Ant or your project hierarchy, or something else. Double-check that all the pieces are arranged and installed as shown earlier, and consider downloading the sample code if you are having trouble with a version you typed in yourself.

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